Ads and Sponsors

Ads and Sponsors is one of the TC WEST Choir program's biggest fundraising efforts.  Ads and sponsors is an annual program/roster of our choir programs featuring Seniors and their bios, each choir/ensemble as well as ads and sponsorships from community businesses.  These community partners are an integral part of what makes our program successful.  Their support provides our students with enriched experiences such as music festivals, conferences and travels abroad.  We are eternally grateful for all they do!

(Left or above on mobile) Our Sponsors page shares the various levels of sponsorship.  This will circulate at all of our concerts (usually about 6 per year) with 400+ people in attendance as well as here on our website!

(Below) Representation of the various forms of ads that can be purchased to represent your business, organization or personal message.  These are often used to support our Seniors!

Full page ad

Half page ad

Quarter page ad

Business card ad