What is Choir Camp? 

Choir camp has become a TC West Choirs tradition.  This 3-day event sets the tone for the upcoming choral school year.  Camp is filled with team building activities and music that allows our students to get to know each other and find their home!  Choir camp also allows for rehearsal of the staple songs for every school year with such titles as our "The Fighin' Titan" and our beloved holiday song of "All is Well" and our end of year song for our seniors, "Friends".   This camp is an opportunity for our Seniors to lead and set an example for the program and TC West Senior High.  This event typically takes place sometime during the first week of August.  This event closes with a family style gathering/BBQ  with parents/guardians in attendance to learn about the program, watch some team spirit unfold and fantastic music be made.  

Leadership Team

This team of TC West HS choir students is comprised of our choir program leaders.  Within this group there is representation from each grade level.  The leadership team comes together to support the efforts of the Choir Council and its students.  This outstanding body of students have spent time throughout the summer learning how to be quality leaders not only for the choirs but for the school and our community.  

(Image on left/top of West Choir leaders at MSVMA Leadership conference at Michigan State University this past June)

Call for Volunteers!

If you are looking to be part of a caring and fun group of people, TCWCPO is the place for you!  Be involved at whatever level works for you.  Participate as a volunteer, member, committee member or officer.  If none of these interest you, please consider clicking below to receive communications that way when you are available to volunteer, you can!  

If you are interested in volunteering for any TCAPS event working with students, you must complete the form below: